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The Christmas Mistake

By Denisa David
Hello, im Noah William
and im 11 years old.
2 years ago I made a mistake and the
end wasnt really good... Anyways, let
me explain. In December 24th I wrote
an letter to Santa with everything I
want. An IPhone 11 pro max, airpods,
parker etc. In the morning of
Christmas, I woke up and I was going
to check if Santa brought to me
everything I wanted, but I saw the
firtree and I searched for my presents.
I didnt find my airpods, the Iphone but
I saw an letter from Santa. I opened
the letter and I started reading. „Hello
Noah! Im Santa and im so sorry
because I couldnt buy everything was
on your list...but I brought you an
jacket and some candies! Im so sorry!„
After reading the letter I was so angry.
My parents told me that Christmas
doesnt mean only presents, it means
to spend time with your family and
stay happy, going to church to pray and
I told my parents that im really angry
and I was grownded for 1 week.
The end
Guys, please, if Santa doesnt brought
what you wanted, you need to be
happy that you have family, friends,
grandparents. After all this time I
learned a lesson, Christmas doesnt
means Iphone, airpods and expensive
things, it means faith, love, happiness
and the most important thing, is that
you have a family.

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