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The Concept of

Popular Education
What is Popular Education?

It is a collective or group process of education, where the teacher and

students learn together, beginning with the concrete experience of the
participants, leading to reflection on that experience in order to effect
positive change.
Where does it come from?
Brazil in the 1960's

Paulo Freire
Why Popular Education?

❏ Learning is maximized through active participation – we learn through doing.

❏ People learn in different ways.
❏ So, learning is enhanced by appealing to as many senses as possible.
❏ We learn more when we see the importance of that learning to our own lives, when
we want to learn.
❏ Greater learning takes place when the learner is treated as an equal.
❏ We learn more when we can enjoy the process of learning.
What's the overall plan?
The methodology involves a process with three phases.

1. Begin with reality concrete needs, specific demands of the

2. Reflect on that reality, broaden it, theorize
3. Return to concrete action.
What's my role as popular educator?

Everyone teaches and learns – so leadership is shared.​The experience of the

participants is the starting point – so there is joint creation of knowledge.​There is no
“expert” – but rather mutual respect for the knowledge and experience all participants
bring to the process.​With participants, the coordinator helps develop ideas and skills for
action .. And there is a commitment to action on the part of the educator.
What are some Popular Education techniques?
How does it work?
❏ Sculpturing
❏ Sociodrama
❏ Role play
❏ Drawing
❏ Songwriting

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