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Gelombang Berjalan

Gelombang pada tali

Add Contents Title

Persamaan Simpangan di Titik O

Di titik O, simpangan di mulai dari nol. Dengan demikian, persamaan gelombang di titik O (titik asal getaran)
sebagai berikut:

𝑦= 𝐴 sin 𝜔 𝑡
Persamaan Simpangan pada sembarang titik

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.

Your Text Here Your Text Here

You can simply impress your audience You can simply impress your audience
and add a unique zing and appeal to and add a unique zing and appeal to
your Presentations. your Presentations.
Secara umum, persamaan simpangan getaran disuatu titik pada tali yang berjarak x dari titik
asal getaran (misal titik P) terhadap kedudukan kesetimbangannya ( y = 0) dapat dinyatakan
Persamaan Kecepatan
Kecepatan gelombang merupakan turunan dari simpangan gelombang terhadap waktu:

Persamaan Percepatan
Percepatan gelombang merupakan turunan dari kecepatan gelombang terhadap waktu:

Insert the title of your subtitle Here

“ Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a modern PowerPoint Presentation that is
beautifully designed. I hope and I believe that this Template will your Time, Money and

Reputation. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Easy to change colors, photos and Text. Get a
modern PowerPoint Presentation that is beautifully designed.

Thank you

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