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The Importance of Family Formation
 In Islam, family is a very important institution.
 Allah formed a special law for family affair called
 The formation of family is very important to:

i) ensure the continuity of human’s generation;

ii) preserve human’s moral and dignity through marriage;
iii) achieve happiness, harmony, inter-human loving/caring
and satisfaction of physical and spiritual need;
iv) form strong and capable ummah;
v) form and cultivate “sacrifice spirit”, cooperation and
solidarity in soul of every family member.
The Formation of Family
 Marriage is a foundation of Islamic family and family life is
founded upon marriage.
 A good and sound society can only grow if a man and woman
are bound in a solid relationship through the sacred contract of
 The ruling of marriage:
i) Mubah (Permissible): this is the original law;
ii) Wajib (Compulsory): for a man who can afford the marriage
and has a very high sex desire;
iii) Sunnah (Recommended): for those who want to get married,
qualified and can afford it;
iv) Haram (Prohibited): for those who are not permissible;
v) Makruh (Discouraged): for a man who is unable to afford the
marriage, but the wife to be is willing to support the family.
The Choosing of the Bride or the
 Islam suggests a man to consider 4 factors in
choosing a wife to be i.e. wealth, good
descendent, beauty and religion.
 Islamic family law has given certain outline
that must be followed by every Muslim in
 Those who are considered prohibited marriage
Status Situation
Haram Muabbad (Due to Family relationship -
blood relations) father, mother and
Haram Muabbad (Due to Family relationship –
marital relations) wives of ascendants,
wives of descendants,
ascendants of wives,
descendants of wives.
Haram Muabbad (Due to Because of sharing the
breast feeding) breast milk
Haram Muaqqat Wife’s siblings
Haram Muaqqat Non-Muslim women
Haram Muaqqat Women in ‘iddah.
Husband and Wife Responsibility
Husband’s Right
i) Leadership and head of household;
ii) To be obeyed;
iii) Wife is responsible to hide all her husband’s flaws
and inabilities;
iv) Get fair treatment and love inclusive body and soul;
v) Wife is responsible for hers and her husband’s
pride and dignity with or without his presence;
vi) Wife must seek the husband’s permission before
leaving the home.
Wife’s Right
i) Husband is responsible to provide alimony
and maintain the needs of his wife’s body and
ii) Get reasonable clothing and accomodation;
iii) Husband must guarantee her safety and
iv) Has the right over her husband’s good
v) Husband is responsible to hide all his wife’s
inabilities and flaws;
vi) Husband must love his wife’s family.
Shared Rights
i) Both husband and wife have the right to
enjoy the goodness of matrimony;
ii) Both husband and wife are responsible to
have good relationship with respective in-
law family;
iii) Wealth belonging to both parties can be
inherited by any one of them in the cause of
Shared Responsibilities
i) The study of fardhu ain;
ii) Always hold a mutual discussion over all
iii) Always helping one another to do good and
leave sin;
iv) Always remain honest and keep to all
promises made;
v) Always forgive and forget as well as provide
advises for one another;
vi) Always pray together;
vii) Have faith in Allah and strive towards
happiness together.
Polygamy In Islam
 Islam is a practical religion – can answer all human
 Islam allows restricted polygamy – marriage to more than
one women, with maximum of four.
 The Qur’an has imposed strict conditions for marrying
several wives.
“And if you fear that you will not deal fairly by the
orphans, marry of the women who seem good to you, two
or three or four; and if you fear that you cannot be fair to
so many, then one only or (the captives) that your right
hands possess. Thus it is more likely that you will not do
injustice.” (4:3)
 This verse says that in order to marry more than one
woman, a man must be able to be fair and just to each of
them. If he is not able to be so, he should marry only one
 Another verse of the Qur’an says:
“You will not be able to deal fairly between your
wives, however much you wish. Yet do not turn
completely aside (from one) so that you leave another
in suspense, if you maintain proper conduct and do
your duty, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.”
 This further emphasises fair treatment.
 Islam allows polygamy in special circumstances. The
situations are:
i) When a wife is barren and cannot bear children but
the husband wants children.
ii) If the first wife is chronically ill and she is unable to
carry out her marital and household duties, the
husband may marry another woman and so restore
family stability.
iii) Polygamy may the solution to the problems of a
society which has more women than men – especially
after war.
Parental Responsibilities
i) To pray for Allah to provide with good children
upon marriage;
ii) To azan a male newborn and qamat a female
iii) Provide good names to the children;

iv) Provide clothe, food and accommodation that is

v) Educate the children to be well-bred and a faithful
servant to Allah;
vi) Provide good education;
vii) Shower the children with love and be just

viii) Handle and organize their marriage at the ripe age.

Children Responsibilities
i) Obey their parents;
ii) Answer their call immediately and be
present when needed;
iii) Never raise the voice above the parents
when speaking;
iv) Pray for them during their lives or after their
v) Execute their will after their death;

vi) Always speak of their good acts and forget

all their mistakes.
Islamic Society Concept
 Islamic society is a group of people those embrace
Islam and practice Islamic teaching.
 Forming the society that practice Islamic values is a
responsibility of every Muslim.
 Prophet Muhammad in Medina formed the first
Islamic society in 622 A.D.
 The basis of every Muslim’s social life are:
i) The syariah
ii) Morality (akhlak)
iii) Practice (ibadah)
iv) Brotherhood of man
The Society Members’ Rights
 In Islamic society, everybody has a right to
live in peace and harmony.
 Freedom in thinking, embracing a religion and
giving an opinion are the basic rights of
society members.
 Upholding the good things and resisting the
bad things are also every member’s
 Every person has a right to work and enjoy
his/her wealth.
Islam and Multiracial Society
 Multiracial society: society that consists of many
different races, languages, cultures and religions.
 Islam believes that one can overcome religious
differences between different religions.
 Islam believes in the freedom of religion as “there is
no compulsion in embracing Islam”.
 Freedom of religion is when different religions of a
particular region possess the same rights of worship
and public expression.
 Islamic society is responsible to obey Islamic laws.
The responsibility is divided into 2 categories:
i) Responsibility towards Allah (Aqidah/religion
ii) Responsibility towards the government that practices
Islamic law system (Political responsibility)
 Family is an important component in the
process of forming a society and a country.
The existence of a society and a country are
incomplete without the institution of the
family. Islam sees family is an institution that
is able to “decorate” a society that is going to
be formed. If the family is excellent, so will
the society.

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