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Roundup & Cancer

By: Haylee Adler, Xavier Salah, Mason Lux, and Will Conlon

● Sold Roundup without having an appropriate warning label

○ Included glyphosate, which is the harmful chemical
○ Linked to causing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

● 95,000 cases reported

● $10 billion to settle all existing and possible cases

○ Continued to not update the warning label
○ Saved $1.25 billion for future cases and to hire an independent expert panel to
resolve the question: Does glyphosate (harmful chemical) cause cancer?
Background Cont.

Relation to CST Principles

● Bayer was purposefully discluding the appropriate warning label in order to

gain more customers

● This act is a direct violation of marketing as well as the Catholic Social

CST Principles

Life and Dignity of the Human Person

● Basic belief that all life is sacred no matter the situation

○ Abortion
○ Euthanasia
○ Death Penalty
● Human life is to be valued to its full extent
○ Denounces
■ Cloning
■ Wars
CST Principles

Rights and Responsibilities:

● Human dignity is achieved only if humans have their basic rights

○ The right to life is at the top of the list for rights

● Everyone needs to work to improve human decency.

○ Family and society as a whole
CST Principles

Care For God’s Creation

● All humans have a call to care for the earth God left for us
○ Work to protect the environment everyday
○ Leave it in better shape than how we found it

● Moral and ethical choices need to be made everyday


● Use a different chemical

○ Find a different chemical with similar end results
● Focus on innovation
○ Look towards the future and for new better products
○ Cut your losses and get rid of the product
○ As a whole Bayer does much more than sell Roundup
● Warning label
○ Put a label on Roundup saying may cause cancer

● Tangible
○ Loss of Revenue
○ Increase Costs in Innovation and R&D
● Intangible
○ Company Reputation
○ Brand Value
Thank You

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