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Full Emotions

presented by:

Wendy Thalia Morales Rubio ID: 672160

Liliana Villarreal Bareño ID 674661
Yeimy Alejandra Moscoso Hoyos ID: 665855

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Full Emotions
Emotional Intelligence
The term Emotional Intelligence (EI)
refers to the human capacity to feel,
understand, control and modify
emotional states in oneself and in others.
Emotional Intelligence does not mean
stifling emotions, but directing and
balancing them towards positive states.
� Complete Emotions is a general integration tool that tests a number of specific emotional
intelligence skills to provide information about an individual's intelligence.
� This application will make the user learn to manage their feelings and emotions, leaving aside
the negative and using the positive to direct actions, with the help of this application emotional
intelligence will be increased and the user will learn what their emotions are like and how to
learn. to manage them to make them available to you

� The idea is that the user frequently accesses this application that evaluates three aspects: the
ability to perceive emotions, their understanding and the ability to manage them. in this app you
will find

� 👉 All about emotional intelligence

� 👉 Blogs about emotions
� 👉 Emotion Udibooks
� 👉 Keys to a better life
Utilidad en el campo
profesional de la
This new application "Full Emotions" detects the patient's
emotions such as: anger, sadness, fear, pleasure, surprise,
disgust and love, which are considered sudden and rapid
alterations that are experienced from the state of
encouragement, causing not only damage to mental health,
but also to physical health, with this app you can treat the
patient so that he has a better management of his emotions
from improving his emotional intelligence knowing his own
emotions and those of others, respond appropriately to
emotions, among other benefits, thus promoting a healthy
social and personal coexistence.
Why is it innovative?
Technology in became almost necessary for everyone, mobile
phones, technological tools are quite effective and facilitate
man's work, so why not implement an App that can mediate
intelligence, it has become innovative, since we have a cell
phone to the hand all the time, it can be saved and even just
click, know our intelligence or the capabilities at which point
where it is, this is very satisfactory since it reduces the cost of
a test, as we well know, health professionals mentioning they
charge for one of these processes, but here we have our app,
a much easier and more complex life to analyze ourselves
from your cell phone.

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