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• Biggest organism blue whale-

100 quadrillion cells
• Human body- 50-75 trillion cells
• Smallest organism- amoeba 

• a process of cell
duplication, or
reproduction, in
which one cell gives
rise to two
genetically identical
daughter cells.
• Prophase
• Metaphase
Four phases
• Anaphase
• Telophase
First phase:

• chromosomes condense and

become visible
• chromosomes are double-
stranded. Each strand is called a
• The two chromatids produced from
the one chromosome are still
attached at one point, called the
centromere or kinetochore. 
• The nuclear membrane and nuclei
may still be present. 
Second phase:

• spindle is fully developed,

centrosomes are at opposite
poles of the cell.
• chromosomes are lined up at
the metaphase plate.
• each sister chromatid is
attached to a spindle fiber
originating from opposite
Third phase:

• cohesin proteins binding

the sister chromatids
together break down.
• sister chromatids (now
called chromosomes) are
pulled toward opposite
• non-kinetochore spindle
fibers lengthen,
elongating the cell.
Fourth phase: 

• chromosomes arrive at
opposite poles and begin
to decondenese
• nuclear envelope
material surrounds each
set of chromosomes
• the mitotic spindle
breaks down

• the final stage

of cell division. 

• the cytoplasm
splits in two
and the cell

Instruction: In a ½  piece of
paper, illustrate the phases
of mitosis. Draw each
phase in chronological
order and label it. 

A. Study in advance! Research about

Meiosis and answer the following questions.

• What is Meiosis? 
• Differentiate mitosis and meiosis. 
• What are the stages of meiosis?

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