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Modul ke:

Jenis Korosi dengan

Berbeda Reaksi katodik

08 Fakultas
I Gusti Ayu Arwati

Program Studi
Teknik Mesin
Dua Reaksi Katodik Yang Utama
Peningkatan Aktivitas Pengoksidasi Memberikan
Peningkatan Potensial Reversible Untuk Reaksi
Corrosion Types with Different Cathodic Reactions
Thus, the oxygen reduction in acid liquids is described by Equation (4.4a) and in neutral
and alkaline solutions by Equation. The reversible potential of the two reactions as
function of pH is represented by the same straight line in the Pourbaix diagram. At a
given pH value and 25°C the reversible potential is
Effect of Temperature
The temperature affects the exchange current density and the Tafel gradient, but
because of relationships just mentioned above, the effect of temperature on the
diffusion-limiting current density iL is often the most significant one in natural
environments. On surfaces without diffusion-limiting deposits, iL is expressed by:
Corrosion Types with Different Cathodic
Daftar Pustaka

1. Metals Handbook. 9th Ed. Vol.13 Corrosion. Ohio: ASM International, 1987.
ASTM G15-86. Definition of terms relating to corrosion and corrosion testing,
ASTM Annual Book of Standards, Vol. 03.02, 1987, pp. 134–138. .
2. Vukasovich MS. A Glossary of Corrosion-Related Terms Used in Science and
Industry. Houston, Texas: NACE, 1997.
3.Costa JM, Cabot JLl (Eds). Glossari de Corrosion’, Barcelona: Institud’Estudios
Catalans, 1991.

4. Einar Bardal, Corrosion and Protection, 2003

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