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1 do You heard about Joanne Rowling, don’t you? I think yes. She had a difficult stage in her life. But she never gave up.
For that I try to think like her when I have problems. She took the exam for Oxford University but wasn’t accepted. So she
studied at Exter University.

2 Then she travelled to Portugal to teach English. She used to taught at nights and writing early every day. Time later, she
met a journalist with she had a baby. She had a lot of problems with her husband so she moved to other city.

She saw herself as a failure: Failed marriage, unemployed, with a young daughter that she wasn’t be able to pay for her
daughter food and home . she was thinking in suicide, but the love for her daugther is more big so she found help.

3 Rowling has described that failure as the impulse to writing. when she was beginning to write, her mother died. She was
the person who motivated her to be a writer because she believed in her. She continued writing and when she finished her
first book it was rejected by 12 publishers. But she never gave up. She she tried and tried and got an editor to help her. her
books sold quickly and awarded her prizes.

4 It was difficult for me to enter university because, at that time, I was not confident. I didn't have a positive attitude and it
was hard for me to concentrate. Although at school I was always intelligent and responsible, I thought that university was
very difficult and that I would not be able to study

5 Today I am in the middle of my career and I know that it be difficult to find work as trainee when I finish studying but it is
important to have patience and be confidence like Joanne Rowling

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