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Notes 9

“Yes, well, our operation has grown considerably larger since we first started,” O’Neil said. “And no doubt, Garrett and I have made many
new enemies. Mr. Boggs is looking out for our safety, and it’s more efficient to inform us of every visitor. Please don’t take it as a personal
affront.” “Yeah, well, I don’t like it is all.” “I’m sure it can be somewhat troublesome, but in the long run, it shouldn’t interfere with our
business. Speaking of which, what is the purpose of your visit?” The angry expression on DuPont’s face fell away to be replaced by a smile.
“We done it. We put some Circle Dot cows on Conway’s ranch, just like you said.” “Good, very good. Now we shall be able to make the
charge of cattle rustling against Conway, and if everything works out as it should, we’ll be able to acquire the Spur and Latigo,” O’Neil said.
“Ever since making an ally of Matt Jensen, Conway has been our biggest obstacle. I’ve no doubt but that once we get rid of him, the rest of
the valley will fall right into our hands,” Kennedy added. “We’ll handle it the same way we did with Andrews,” DuPont said. O’Neil raised his
hand. “It’s best that you not give us any information in advance. Do whatever you must do, then tell us afterward.” DuPont chuckled. “Yeah,
I know. Some people just don’t have the stomach for what needs to be done. That’s why you have me.” “Indeed,” O’Neil said. DuPont
glanced back toward the office door. “What I don’t understand is what you need with him. It didn’t take long to find the ten Circle Dot cows
and return them to Circle Dot range by pushing them through the break in the fence.
• “This here ain’t no natural break,” Ed said, holding two wires in his hand. “If it had been a
natural break, why, there wouldn’t be these here two wires the same length.” “You’re right,
Ed. The wires were cut.” “What I don’t understand is how come the wires was cut ’n all that
happened was some cows got in, but there didn’t no horses get out,” Haverkost said.
“Because the purpose of the cut was to bring the cattle in, not steal horses,” Matt
explained. “What? Why the hell would somebody do somethin’ like that? I mean if rustlers
done this, it don’t make no sense to give you cows,” LeRoy said. “I think we’ll find out soon
enough,” Matt said. * * * “I’d feel better if you would stay here for a few nights,” Hugh said
when Matt returned to report that the Circle Dot cattle had been found and removed. “As a
matter of fact, I wish you would give up your room at the hotel and just move in with us
until all this is over.” “I don’t know that I should do that, seeing as I’m now the acting sheriff
and I have no deputy.” “I’ll be your deputy,” LeRoy said. “Yeah, make LeRoy your deputy,”
Jake said. “He’ll be a good one.” Matt looked at the older of the two newest ranch hands.
“LeRoy, do you have any experience?” “Yes sir, I done me some deputyin’ up in Buckhorn,
Dakota,” LeRoy said. Matt smiled. “All right. LeRoy, raise your right hand.” LeRoy did as
asked. “Do you swear to do as good a job as you can?” Matt asked. “Yeah.” LeRoy chuckled.
“Is that it?” “It’s good enough for me,” Matt replied.

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