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Notes 7

“I might sever some nerve endings that would paralyze him for the rest of his life, or even worse, I might bring on some infection that could
kill him.” “But if you don’t get the bullet out, the pressure is going to keep him paralyzed for good, too, isn’t it?” “Yes.” “If you try and
succeed, he might regain feeling and movement. If you try and fail, he will be permanently paralyzed, and could even be killed?” Matt
asked. “Yes, that’s true.” “You’re right. That’s not an easy choice to make.” “Only one person can make that choice, and right now he is in a
deep and medicated sleep.” “Lisa is his wife. Can’t she make the decision for him?” “Yes, I suppose she could do that,” Dr. Bosch said. “Mrs.
Conway?” “You said he could die during the operation?” Lisa asked hesitantly. “I think the risk of him dying is not that that great, but yes.
Mrs. Conway, I won’t lie to you. If something went badly wrong, he could die.” Lisa shook her head. “Then, I’m not going to ask you to do it.
For something like this, I think Hugh should decide for himself.” “Let me ask you this, Doctor,” Matt said. “If you don’t do anything now, will
it get even harder for you to do something in the future?” “If we wait too long, yes, it could. Scar tissue could grow around the bullet,
making it much harder and much more dangerous to do anything.” “Oh!” Lisa said. “I hadn’t thought of that. How long before anything like
that would happen?” “Two or three weeks,” Dr. Bosch answered. “A month at the longest. Any time after a month, I would be afraid to try
• Thank you,” Lisa said. “I’m inclined to say go ahead and try to get the bullet now, but I
do want Hugh to have some say in what happens. It is his life.” “Yes, ma’am, I
understand.” Dr. Bosch went over to pick up his medicine bag. “You and your husband
talk it over, and once you make up your mind, left me know.” “Thank you, Doctor.” With
a farewell nod to all who were present, Dr. Bosch left the house, and a moment later,
they heard his buggy drive away. “Miz Conway, me ’n the other boys got some things we
need to get done,” Sanders said. “If they’s anythin’ you want done, anythin’ at all, just
let me know ’n I’ll see that it’s took care of.” “Thank you, Mr. Sanders. I appreciate that,”
Lisa replied in a quiet voice. “Yes, I was in the process of cleaning the bunkhouse, so I
had better go, as well,” Gabe said. Matt remained behind. “Oh, Matt, what will I do? I
can’t make a decision for him,” Lisa said and she went to him. Matt put his arms around
her and held her close, feeling her sobbing against his chest. He had no answer for her.
The only comfort he could provide was to pull her to him. He could feel her body
pressed against him and smell the scent in her hair. It was unsavory and pleasing at the
same time. “Lisa?” Hugh’s voice, thin and strained, came from the bedroom. “Oh, he’s
awake!” Lisa pulled away from Matt’s arms and hurried into the bedroom.

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