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Math Alive 5

March 26th, 2021

By : Tc. Frida
 Find the area of the figure given below. 

Solution : 
Step 1 :
 Separate the figure into smaller, familiar
figures: a two triangles and a rectangle. 
Step 2
 Find the area the first triangle.
 Use the formula.
A  =  (1/2)bh
A  =  (1/2)(3)(2)
A  =  3

• Base (b)  =  3 ft
• The area of the first
• Height (h)  =  2 ft triangle is 3 square ft. 
Step 3
 Find the area the rectangle. Use the formula.
A  =  l x w
A  =  11 x 4
A  =  44

• The area of the

rectangle is 44 square ft
• Length (l)  =  8 + 3  =  11 ft
• Height (h)  =  4 ft
Step 4
 Find the area the second triangle Use the formula.
A  =  (1/2)bh
A  =  (1/2)(3)(3)
A  =  4.5

• The area of the second

triangle is 4.5 square ft. 
• Base (b)  =  3 ft
• Height (h)  =  3 ft
Step 5
 Add the areas to find the total area.
A  =  3 + 44 + 4.5
A  =  51.5

• So, the area of the given composite figure is

51.5 square feet. 
Let’s Practice 
 Find the area of the figure given below. 

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