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What is Halloween?
Who celebrates it?
How is it celebrated?
Why do people celebrate it?
Let’s watch the video and answer the
questions from the sheet
A Patchwork Holiday
Halloween is a patchwork holiday
 It comes from many sources
 Pagan (non-Christian) holiday
 Christian sources too
Originated from the Celtic tradition
Samhain (Sa win)

Is a festival
marking the end
of the harvest
season and the
beginning of

Many images
remain about

2 common ways
of celebration
- Bonfire
- Feasting
Living and dead:
The veil is the thinnest
Samhain stops in Europe 7th Century
 Spread of Christianity changed many people
All Saints Day celebrates Christian saints
on Nov. 1st
All Hallows Eve was famous the night
before Saint’s Day on Oct. 31
Irish bring Halloween to USA
 Which means “a
Before kids used to vandalize houses for a
treat (candy)
Trick or Treat
Halloween Monsters
A witch
A ghost
A werewolf
A zombie
A skeleton
A scarecrow

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