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UAE is the most prepared

country for e-learning in the

world, says His Highness
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid
after attending first day of
distance learning
As schools and universities across the
country started the first day of distance
learning on Sunday, His Highness Sheikh
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice
President and Prime Minister of UAE and
Ruler of Dubai, said, "Schools are closed, but
education will never stop. The UAE is the
most well-equipped nation for smart

• 1.To analyse the theme of the lesson

“The Fun They Had”
• To synthesize real world experience
and understanding of the text in
order to make a judgment about
modes of education.
In pairs, discuss three things that you like best
about your school and three things about your
school that you would like to change. Write them
.• Have you ever read words on a television (or
computer) screen? Can you imagine a time when
all books will be on computers, and there will be
no books printed on paper? Would you like such
books better?
Mini Plenary
1. When and where does this story take place?
What type of story is it?
2. How did Margie know that books had once
3. Why did the words in the book look funny to
Margie and Tommy?
1.This story takes place in Margie’s home on May 17,
2157. The date tells the reader right away that it’s
science fiction

2.Margie’s grandfather had told her. When he was a

boy, his grandfather had told him that books had once
been printed on paper

3.The words in the book stood still instead of moving the

way they did on a screen. And when the children turned
back to the previous page, it had the same words on it
that had been there when they read it the first time
Mini plenary

Is artificial
intelligence good or bad for
Critical Thinking
Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why?
What does this statement think you of? Can you give
any examples that support your ideas? What are some
problems with the statement? 
Choose one of the following statements
1.True learning is best accomplished through
individual work.
2.We learn best when working with other people.
3.Computers can take the role of teachers.
Everyone learns the same way.
Extended Writing questions
(Attempt any answer in 150 words)
1.‘Machines can’t replace human beings’ Explain
with reference to the Lesson ‘The Fun They Had’
2.Inspite of comforts and luxuries in today’s world
our grand parents still cherish their own time when
life was quite tough .Give your own views .
3.How is Margie’s school different from schools that
existed hundred years ago?

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