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Queima das Fitas

Teacher: Cenel Augusto Perez

Student: Dohotariu Diana
Coimbra’s Queima das Fitas

The academic
tradition of Queima
das Fitas has its
origins in Coimbra.,
where are taking
place a lot of cultural
and sport activities,
and also the students
serenade, the musical
concerts and the
academic procession.
The entire academic tradition lies in the oldest
Portuguese university.
 Coimbra Quiema’s das Fitas is the
oldest and the most famous, and
it’s organised by a student
commission of a union named
named Associação Académica de
 Queima das Fitas, also called
Academic Week, is nothing
more than a series of events
that symbolically mark the
end of the school year in
Portugal and is one of the
biggest student festivities in
 The festivity begins
with the traditional
nighttime fado
serenade in the
square of the Old
Cathedral of
 In 2012, at the
end of the festive
week, there was a
number of
200000 people
that took part at
the concerts.

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