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Be a Professional

Syahrir, S.Pd.,M.Hum.
Adjective (kata sifat)
adalah salah satu complement
(pelengkap) dalam unsur kalimat.
Ia merupakan kelas kata yang
menjelaskan kata benda
(Noun)/kata ganti (pronoun)
menjadi lebih spesifik.
Eg. She is a beautiful girl,
they are talkative students,
he is a discipline lecturer,
anita is an ambitious person.
Eg. Tina’s brainstorm to describe herself

Adaptable active



focus TINA

easy going discipline cheerful

Exercise 1. Brainstorm the adjectives of yourself!

Exercise 2.
Mention 20 the tools used in order to be a professional
worker (English- Indonesia) regarding your major!

Eg. A professional midwife tools:

stethoscope =……….
Gloves =………
face mas =…….
Oxytocin =……..

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