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Draging its chains, Draging its chains, can you Heard it far away?
You had fun in San Andres but, Was smart go out today?
The flames shines, burning in Green, aproaching really fast .
The Rolling calf killed all the town, run kid, you are the last .
Sulfur in the air, Green sky, it wants to find you.
with fire in his eye, that chaining bull is behind you.
Try to hide?, thats not usefull.
Pray to god, your fate will be banefull.
You wanted to kill it? You have no brain?
The Rolling calf has the guts undrape.
Dont stop running, flee the chains.
The beach is the last chance to escape.
Run in to a cross path, that will distract it, when it arrive.
Touch the beachs sand, and you will stand alive.

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