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Overview Object-Oriented

Design Principles
and Design Patterns

What goes wrong with software?
• You start with a clear picture in your mind what the
software should be. The clarity of the design helps
you to get to the first release.
• Then something goes wrong,
the software starts to rot:
– Changes and additions are harder
and harder to make,
– You are forced to let go of the original design, eventually
even the simplest changes terrify you because of rippling
unexpected effects, and you must redesign the whole
• What went wrong?
Bad signs, symptoms of rotting design
• Rigidity (Sự cứng nhắc))
– Code difficult to change (no continuity)
– Changes propagate via dependencies
• Fragility (Sự yếu ớt)
– Even small changes can cause cascading effects
– Code breaks in unexpected places having no conceptual
relationship with the area that was changed (no protection)
• Immobility (Sự không linh động)
– Code is so tangled that it's impossible to reuse anything
– No composability

Bad signs, symptoms of rotting design
• Viscosity
– Design preserving ways of working are harder than hacks
– Developement environment is slow and inefficient
• Needless complexity (Sự phức tạp không cần thiết)
– Design contains elements that are not currently useful
– Results from too much anticipating future needs
• Opacity (Sự tối nghĩa)
– The tendency of a module to become more difficult to
– A constant effort is needed to keep code readable

Causes of rotting design
• Inevitably changing requirements
– "All systems change during their life-cycles.
This must be born in mind when developing systems
expected to last longer than the first version."
Ivar Jacobson, OOSE 1992
• Poor dependency management
– Dependencies can be controlled
• Tools:
– OO-design principles, desing patterns
– Guidelines: coupling, cohesion

Object-Oriented Design Principles

OO Design Principles
• To create reusable, extensible and
maintainable OO systems
• Underlie the patterns, help you to cope changes.
• Design Principles
– Encapsulate what varies
– Favor Composition Over Inheritance
– Program To An Interface, Not An Implementation
– (SRP) The Single Responsibility Principle
– (OCP) The Open Closed Principle
– (LSP) The Liskov Substitution Principle
– (DIP) The Dependency Inversion Principle
– (ISP) The Interface Segregation Principle

Design Patterns

What are Patterns?
• The pattern describes a problem which occurs over and
over again in our environment, and then describes the
core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that
you can use this solution a million times over, without
ever doing it the same way twice. (Alexander)
• The pattern is at the same time a thing, which happens
in the world, and the rule which tells us how to create
that thing, and when we must create it. (R. Gabriel)
• A pattern involves a general discription of a recurring
solution to a recurring problem with various goal and
constraints. It identify more than a solution, it also
explains why the solution is needed. (J. Coplien)

Learning Patterns
• Successful solutions to many areas of human
endeavor are deeply rooted in patterns
– In fact, an important goal of education is transmitting
patterns of learning from generation to generation

• Learning to develop good software is similar to

learning to play good chess!
– Though the consequences of failure are often far less

Becoming a Chess Master
• First learn the rules
– e.g., names of pieces, legal movements, chess board
geometry and orientation etc.
• Then learn the principles
– e.g., relative value of certain pieces, strategic value of
center squares, power of a threat etc.
• However, to become a master of chess, one must
study the games of other masters
– These games contain patterns that must be understood,
memorized and applied repeatedly
• There are hundred of these patterns

Becoming a Software Design Master
• First learn the rules
– e.g., the algorithms, data structures and languages of
• Then learn the principles
– e.g., structured programming, modular programming,
object-oriented programming, generic programming,
principles of OO etc.
• However, to become a master of software design,
one must study the designs of other masters
– These designs contain patterns that must be understood,
memorized and applied repeatedly
• There are hundred of these patterns
Overview of Patterns and Frameworks
• Patterns support reuse of software architecture and design
– Patterns capture the static and dynamic structures and
collaborations of successful solutions to problems that arise when
building applications in a particular domain.
• Frameworks support reuse of detailed design and code
– A framework is an integrated set of components that collaborate
to provide a reusable architecture for a family of related
• Together design patterns and frameworks help to improve
software quality and reduce development time
– E.g. reuses, extensibility, modularity, performance

Design Patterns
• Design patterns represent solutions to problems that
arise when developing software within a particular
– “Pattern == problem/solution pair in a context”
• Patterns capture the static and dynamic structure
and collaboration among key participants in
software designs
– They are particularly useful for articulating how and why to
resolve non-functional forces
• Patterns facilitate reuse of successful software
architectures and designs.

Design Pattern Space
• Creational Patterns
– Deal with initializing and configuring classes and objects
• Structural Patterns
– Deal with decoupling interface and implementation of classes
and objects.
• Behavioral Patterns
– Deal with interactions among classes and objects
• Scope: what the pattern applies to
– Class Patterns
• Focus on the relationships between classes and their
• Involve inheritance reuse
– Object Patterns
• Focus on relationships between objects
• Involve composition reuse
Design Pattern Space


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