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Sikandar Sultan

Sikandar Sultan:

 Sikandar Sultan was born in Karachi on Jan 22, 1955.

 Mr. Sultan got his early education from local school in Karachi.
 For the higher education, he went to IBA.
 He is renowned in the field of Food industry.
 Mr. Sultan is known as an influential personality and an entrepreneur.
 Photography and Cooking.
Making of Masala:

 His mom visited Lahore and family cook was on leave.

 They used to bring food from restaurants.
 His family ended up buying spices from a shop.
 At the end, His father asked them to try making masalas on their own.
 They used to mix garlic, onions and other ingredients.
 After four days, the mixture were spoilt by fungus.
 For the first time, he tried making the masala as dry powder and it tasted delicious.
First Profession:

 Sikandar Sultan, chose photography as his first profession.

 Commercial films, Advertisements and arranging exhibitions.
 Had no interest in making a commercial enterprise.
 But at one point, he didn’t feel satisfied with the environment.

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