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taller integrado fase 1 del 4 periodo

proyectandos hacia la meta eco empresa

Guisell Nicolle Trujillo Gómez


David Andrés Gómez Forero

Comfandi - yumbo
echo animals
echo animals

• West 19 Street 2-25

• att: guisell nicolle trujillo
• we will take care
of animals and
Echo animals
• My company is going to • environment: recycle, cultivate,
dedicate itself to caring for Separate garbage, Use products that
the environment by can be reused and Turn off the lights.
protecting it from the
• animals: collect them to see
pollution that we produce
how health is, take care of the
every day
puppy or another animals, to
adorn it with a family
• and we will also take care of
the animals that are in the • recycle the bones to be fed
streets with all the purpose and feed the dogs that are
that they deserve in the street
Echo animals

• recyclable materials for pet food mill

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