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Group 6 Members:
★ Kelsey-Kaye Harriott
★ Shameka Savage
★ Carel Simpson
★ Petrina Turner
★ Alandria Williams
★ Tanya Williams

➢ Urinary Incontinence/frequency is a type of minor disorder.

➢ It is known as minor disorder because it is are not dangerous, just a

normal part of pregnancy.

➢ The first 3 months –numerous changes.

➢ Maybe many for some and few for others will pass as pregnancy

Urinary Frequency

Urinary Frequency is voiding more than 4-6
times/day, due to increase intake, UTI, stress,
and pregnancy (frequent voiding in small
Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is an involuntary loss of
urine that is objectively demonstrable and
leads to a social or hygienic problem.
Stress Incontinence
Stress Incontinence is a symptom of leakage
associated with actions
that increase intra-abdominal pressure
E.g coughing, bending, lifting, laughing,
It also occurs with impaired urethral sphincter
support or damage impairing urethral opening

❖ During pregnancy, the unborn baby puts pressure on the pelvic

floor muscles, bladder, and urethra.

❖ Pregnancy, the type of delivery, and the number of children a

woman has are factors that can increase the risk of incontinence.
Causes Cont’d

❖ Emotional strain or tension incontinence resulting from adverse or

demanding circumstances may be only temporary and often ends

within a few weeks after the baby is born.

❖ Forceps used in delivery can result in injuries to the pelvic floor

and anal sphincter muscles.

Causes Cont’d

❖ Sagging or drooping of bladder, when the bladder sags, it can

cause the urethra opening to stretch. If pelvic muscles do not

provide enough support. This condition is known as a cystocele.

❖ Extended duration pushing during a vaginal delivery also increases

the likelihood of injury to the pelvic nerves
Nursing Care Urinary Frequency or Incontinence

Impaired urinary elimination

➢ Reassure the client that urinary incontinence or frequency is normal

➢ Encourage the client to decrease fluid intake 2-3 hours before bedtime
➢ Rule out infection and Gestational DM
Nursing Care Urinary Frequency or Incontinence

Impaired urinary elimination

➢ Advise client to avoid caffeinated beverages

➢ Educate client about kegels exercises
➢ Encourage client to report pain, burning , fold smelling odour

❖ Ricci S., & Kyle, T. (2009). Maternal and pediatric nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &


❖ Pillitteri, A., (). Maternal & child health nursing: Care of the childbearing & childrearing family

(6th Ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott Wiliams & Wilkins

❖ Slideshare. (2018). Retrieved from


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