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Tutik Harjianti
SubDiv.of Hematology & Medical Oncology
Dept.of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty
Hasanuddin University
The Limit of Anemia at Pregnancy:
Anemia is a condition where the Hb < 10%
under normal

The limit of anemia at a woman : Hb < 12 gr

The limit of anemia at a pregnant woman :
Hb < 10 gr %
The limit of Anemia based on Trimester

 Trimester I : 12gr/%
 Trimester II : 11gr/%
 Trimester lll : 10gr/%
 The caused of Low Hb at a
pregnant woman :

-The increase of body volume at a pregnant

woman (The adding of blood cell is not
equal to the adding of plasm)
Plasm 30%, Blood Cell 18%, and Hb 19%
This matter gain profit:
- decrease the resistance of perifer
- less the lost of zat besi at give a birth (at
the bleeding process)
The Influence of Anemia at Pregnancy

1. Abortus
2. Premature
3. Old Partus because of inertia uteri
4. Bleeding of post partum because of atoni
5. Shock
6. Decompentation kordis
Kind of Anemia at Pregnancy

1. Deficiency iron Anemia

2. Megaloblastyc Anemia
3. Hipoplastyc Anemia
4. Hemolytic Anemia
Deficiency Iron Anemia

 The most happen

 Caused: less of nutrition, re-absorption
disturbing, function disturbing, increase at
 Increase of need at Trm III
 Every day necessity to a pregnant woman in
Indonesia: 17 mg/hr
Examination which needed to decide
the diagnose :

 SideBlood Morfology

 Retykulocyte Intensity

 Another Lab based on the result of the Lab

 Anamnesis based on the result of the lab
Management of Anemia at Pregnancy:
 Non medicamentosa
*Eat much and protein, mineral and vitamin

*Avoid drugs that influence hematopoisis

 Medicamentosa
vitamin Fe,B12,Asam Folat, transfution

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