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Common Themes and

Trends on Local
Knowlegde Integration
ped 702
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices
(IKPs) help in improving the educational status of
the country

• Students learn best when they can relate themselves

in the lessons.
• It could be inferred that possible change of formula
for learning activities could be adapted.
Indigenous practices (Ips) may help in
making sustainable future

• IPs may help in sustaining the status of agriculture in

the country.
• Younger generation may have the power to use IPs
and apply it to current problems.
Developing authentic, contextualized and localized
instructional materials is recommended to improve the
performance of students
• The instruction strategy must be concentrating on
presenting the lesson directly on concrete applications in a
specific context.
• Students are more motivated if they can relate on what
they are learning.
• This is to establish a stronger rapport among students that
in a way, they can identify themselves.
Appropriate training for teachers in local
knowledge integration should provided

• Educators should be more resourceful and

responsible in a way that they have to make the use
of several instructions.
• They will be given a chance to be updated with the
current events and trends in IKPs.

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