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Pythagorean Theorem?
  It
is an equation that solves the
hypotenuse (the opposite of the right a
angle) of a right triangle.
 This theorem can be written as an
equation including the three lengths of
the triangle as , in which c represents the
hypotenuse and a and b represent the
other lengths.
a² + b² = c²
 Forthis equation, we need to use square roots. The
lengths need to be squared first before getting the
hypotenuse. The hypotenuse then will be the
square root of the sum.
Some perfect squares:
 1 - 1x1
 4 – 2x2
 9 – 3x3
 16 – 4x4
 25 – 5x5
 36 – 6x6
 49 – 7x7
 64 – 8x8
 81 – 9x9
 100 – 10x10

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