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Outsourcing To Earn

While You Snooze!

This topic is not “sexy”, but it’s what makes you a bunch of money while doing even less work. Can it
get any more sexy than that?

w w a dbe a t . co m
START 1:00 #1 – In A World of Slackers
w w w. d e a d b e a t . c o m

#2 – The Army Of One

#3 – Power Games

#4– Quality Fade

#5 – Boundaries $ Bonuses
#6 – Say This Not That
The secrets to outsource all of your
work for Deadbeats. END #7 – Deadbeat Tidbits
A World of
In A World of Slackers

A lot of people doing freelance work are in desperate situations and will use any means necessary to
make the most amount of money, with the least amount of energy as quickly as possible – Rule of
human nature. 4
In A World of Slackers
A Production

#1 Expect to be taken advantage of. Operate under that assumption until proven otherwise. Expect
that people will cut corners. Expect that most people won’t put any extra thought into the project.

#2 Trust your gut instinct. Listen for any feelings of stress and minute feelings of anger. These are
usually the signs that your prospective freelancer isn’t going to work out. A good worker will not
increase your stress level, but lower it and increase your feeling of optimism with what is possible for
you and your company.

#3 Anyone that requires micro-management and constant hand holding is not a going to work out.
These are mentally lazy people trying to disguise “not knowing what to do” with not wanting to do the
work. You are hiring people to solve problems, not bring you problems. If you have to think over every
detail, you should move onto the next person.

#4 Bad employees are usually talkers. Use too much flattery and idle talk to disguise poor work ethic.
In life in general, talkers are not doers.

#5 The “what’s in it for me mentality”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this: “Do you have any
jobs available, I could really use some extra money”. 5
An Army
Of One
An Army Of One

Only 1 out of 10 people are real players. Most people are doing this as a side gig. But here’s the catch:
every single one of the 9/10 majority will try to present themselves as being the 1 out of 10 person. 7
An Army Of One
A Production

#1 Most people will put more energy into looking the part then doing the actual work.
“Come into an interview with a suit on, once interview is over the real person comes out”.

#2 From experience, the real players are usually quiet, direct, all business, and their overall
communication has a since of gratitude but not weakness or neediness. They’re “quiet professionals”.

#3 Real players typically do freelance as a full time gig. The part time workers usually aren’t invested
as much.

#4 Good players can become lazy, so always check up on them to make sure they are doing the job.

#5 When you find the 1 out of 10 person, treat them well, but keep new prospective job applicants on
the backburner with some small gigs. More on this in just a second. 

#6 Use milestones (breaking projects up into parts, and releasing payment as each part of the project
is completed. This benefits both parties. I’ll show you an example of this in the next videos. 8
An Army Of One
A Production

#6 Release payment IMMEDIATELY as soon as job is completed. This is the most important thing you
must do as the employer.
#7 A very important quality is speed – speed of communication and speed of project competition. I
will often go for “Good” skill than “Great” skill if the good person is fast, eager, and adaptable. Speedy
responses to messages and turnaround times is a very good sign. 9
Power Games

In every relationship, like it or not, you are in a constant, subtle battle for power and dominance. The
same goes for employee/freelance relationships. 11
Power Games
A Production

#1 Any sign of arrogance must result in immediate disqualification of that candidate. Anyone who
acts as if they are the one in demand, overly confident in their abilities, shows any signs of
condescending behavior or speech is almost always too much trouble than they are worth. Occasions
can be made if it’s a temp job and you are in a bind.

#2 Even good employees and workers will eventually take advantage of you if you show any signs of
weakness or dependence. They will subconsciously do this without being fully aware of it.

#3 The way you communicate with your worker is important. More on this in just a second.

#4 You must demonstrate your power occasionally to let them know you can do without them if need
be. What that means is you should get your hands dirty and do some of the work the employee is doing
so they can see you have the capabilities to do it. This garners respect for leadership.

#5 While not possible in all situations, it helps if you have a basic understanding of the topic you are
employing them to achieve. Knowledge is power in this game, and if someone knows something more
than you on a topic they will use that knowledge to take advantage of you. 12
Power Games
A Production

#6 Keep new blood coming in, test them with small gigs. No more than $100-$200 a time. Test them
over periods of time. This keeps you in control because you will not develop dependence on any one
particular employee. 13
Quality Fade

Most fakers will start off doing a great job on the first gig. The 2 nd gig usually has some evidence of
quality fade. Keep a close look at the 2nd gig. If quality stays intact, give them a 3rd and 4th gig. By this
time you should get a decent look at the persons character. 15
& Bonuses
Boundaries & Bonuses

There’s a very fine line in the employee/employer relationship, and once it’s crossed it’s hard to go back. 17
Boundaries & Bonuses
A Production

#1 The employee will constantly push to try and make your relationship more of a friend/peer
relationship than superior/subordinate relationship. He who views himself as equal will soon place
himself as your superior. Always hold the line, because as soon as they believe you are peers, they will
start to skimp, cut corners, and start believing the power is in their hands. Don’t indulge them on any of
it besides for common human pleasantries. Don’t share details of your personal life or successes. I can
tell you without fail that when this line is crossed the relationship is pretty much over, so be very careful.

#2 As arrogant as this sounds, most people don’t know what is best for them. They will often indulge
in short sighted thinking and the expense of your business and their position in your business.

#3 Usually “paying your way” to a better result often never works. What I mean by this is often times
paying $100 vs $500 for the same job will result in the same exact result, if not EVEN WORSE by paying
more. People need to earn their pay increase or else they becoming quickly entitled and form a
subconscious contempt for you. 18
Boundaries & Bonuses
A Production

#4 Bonuses should rarely be given. The times I make exception for this is when it’s a tight deadline. I
will offer them a small bonus if they get it done by X date. But realize that people will quickly feel
entitled to bonuses, and if you don’t give them it the next time, you will see a fade in work quality. Use
bonuses rarely and at your own risk.

#5 The same goes for raises. Do them sparingly, and only when the employee has demonstrated long
term commitment and consistent work ethic. It’s almost like giving a dog a dog treat. They really want
the treat, but after you give it to them without having earned it, the treat will become commonplace, and
they will want more and more of that treat to feel the norm.

#6 Praise should not be overused. People do thrive with praise, but it quickly becomes cheapened and
disrespected when it’s overused and unearned. Over praise will lower work quality and respect for you.
When people have to work for your praise it makes it feel more rewarding and they will be happier in the
long run. 19
Say This,
Not That
Say This, Not That

Because we work online, your usage of words in your communications are very important. It only takes
a few wrong words to change the dynamic. 21
Say This, Not That
A Production

Don’t: Create my blog for me by X or else

Instead: “Can you create my blog for me by X?”

You: “Can you create my blog for me by X?”

Them: Ok
You: “When it’s done, can you then add pictures?”
Them: OK
You: ”Oh also, please add links to the original picture, it’s important”.
Them: Sure no problem
You: Thanks. When it’s done, let me know. 22
Say This, Not That
A Production

Don’t: “I’m already over budget, can you do this for $500?”

Instead: “I’m offering $500 for this job but It needs to be a fast turn around.” 23
Say This, Not That
A Production

Don’t: “I’m in a rush to meet a launch deadline, can you create my video by X day?”
(Outsource: CHA CHING!)

Instead: “We like to move fast, we’re looking for someone who can do this in 3 days, can you do it?”
Don’t: “It’s great to finally connect with a programmer who knows what they are doing… I’ve been
looking for someone like you forever now”…

Instead: “I’m always on the lookout for a good programmer, you seem to have your stuff together, want
to give a small test project a shot?” 24

Negotiate only when necessary, but try to keep the other parties interests in mind, especially if it’s a long
term relationship that’s working well for you. 26
A Production

#1 Often asking for odd sums works. I can offer you $20.13/hour instead of I can offer you $20/hour.

#2 Whoever holds the gold makes the rules – You are ultimately the one in power, it’s easier to find a
new person than it is for them to find a new patron.

#3 With that said, you don’t want to win every negotiation. Letting the other person get occasion small
negotiation wins can help sooth their ego. If you are too hard on your negotiations they will come to
resent you. 27
A Production

Every so often throw in, “hey I need a quick design job, will you do this in 24 hours for $30?”
If they negotiate:

“Yeah I can do that but I need to rearrange some other jobs, how does $40 sound?”
“I’ll do $40 because I’m in a good mood, just throw In a few extra icons so I can feel like I’ve won”
Leads negotiation into the next point.
I will sometimes bend on price and negotiate for more on the backend.
“Yeah I was only planning on doing $350 for this job, but I like your work so I’ll do $500 like you want,
just throw in 2 weeks of beta testing bug fixes and I’m cool with that”.
. 28
More Tidbits
A Production

#1 Often times working with someone who is not in your time zone does not. I’ve had a lot of trouble
with working with Indian based workers because of that. While their work is usually solid, it just takes
too long to go back and forth for updates, communication, etc. This causes a massive delay in project
completion and it’s easy to lose interest.

#2 I’ve found American workers to be overpriced and average quality. They want to be paid more
without proving their worth. Not always true, but from my experience so far.

#3 Give as much detail as you possible can in your original job descriptions. Provide examples and
dump all your thoughts out in a text document or the job description form. I often use Loom or
Camtasia to film a quick video of what I want, I’ll do a training on that later. 30
A good plan violently executed now is better
than a perfect plan executed next week.
-General George S. Patton
Reminder: Free Website For You

Just a quick reminder, our free done for you website

may still be available. We’ll create it, write content, spiff
it up, and promote it for you for free when you invest
into 1 year of Yeavo website service.

The link to claim it is in the sidebar. As long as the page has the order
button still there, the offer is available. We can only do so many at a time, so
be warned supplies are limited at any given time. 32

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