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Mateo Zapata Bernal.

Overpopulation. (39,000,000)

The goverment of Japan is giving an economic

incentive (3 million yen) for people who show
their intention to move to other city.

The best jobs and the jobs with the government

are in Tokyo, they are jobs that are very difficult
to access and you can’t find jobs of that same
level outside of Tokyo

Tokyo is the city with the highest pollution rate in the country, the city has gones through
different risk situations, where the lives of the population have been put at risk.
Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone
said in 1986 that the intelectual level in the
United States was lower than in his country because
There was a high population of blacks, Puerto Ricans
and Hispanics.

While immigrants represent 28% of population in

Australia, about 21% in Canada and over 14% in the
United Kingdom, in Japan this percentage is limited
to only 1,9%.

“Robots yes, immigrants no”

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