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GIS Softwares

GIS software capabilities

Can transform source data into GIS software data

Can edit those data
Can registered different data layers to each other
for the same area.
Can register different data layers to a selected
geographic coordinate system for the same area.
Provide support for mosaicking.
Provide support to coordinate thinning.
Format Transformation
Geometric Transformation
Transformation between Map Projections
Edge Matching
Editing functions
Line coordinate thinning
Format Transformation…

Make files readable for one software, files are created

by an other softwares
Data supplies to GIS software in different forms.
These files need to transform into GIS software’s
readable data format
Format Transformation..

There can be transformation in

Raster Based System.

Vector Based System.
Geometric Transformation
Adjustment of one data layer with respect to other.
Or assignment of ground coordinates to a map or data
This is also called registration.
 You can say :Geometric Transformation process =
Registration by Relative Position
Registration by Absolute Position
Registration by Relative Position
One data layer is registered to second data layer.
A layer that is registered by the other one is called
A layer that register the other layer is called Master
Registration by Absolute Position
Location of features on a map in relation to a
geographic coordinates system.

Each data layer is separately registered to the same

geographic coordinate system
Projection Transformation
Transformation assign to each location on the
spherical surface
 Shape

 Area
 Distance
 Direction

Use projection commonly accepted for the discipline

Edge Matching
Editing Functions
Used to
Add Features
Delete Features
Change Features
Editing Functions
There can be different problems that need editing
Sliver polygons.
Under shoot
Over shoot
Dangling Lines
Open polygon
Line Coordinate Thinning
Extra coordinates are generated during digitizing.
Line coordinate thinning use to reduce the quantity of
the coordinate data
Line Coordinate Thinning
Problems with more coordinates
Need more;
Storage space.
Access time.
Editing time.
Feature deletion time.
Maintenance and Analysis of Attribute Data
Maintenance and Analysis of Attribute Data involves

Attribute Editing Functions

Attribute Query Functions
Attribute Editing Functions
Attribute Functions allow to be

Attribute Query Functions
Query Functions retrieve records in the attribute
Database according to the given condition
Selection of feature
Retrieving data from two or more tables with
the help of relational‐join operation.
Combining Attribute Conditions
Area < 400000 AND LandUse=80
•Area < 400000 OR LandUse=80

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