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Belief Systems: GP

Individual Project
What is the relevance of animals in
different religions and beliefs?
What am I going to tell you in this presentation?

I am going to brief you about how animals are treated/worshipped in 3 religions - Jainism,
Buddhism, and Hinduism. I will also tell you about some black cat beliefs.
What are religions and beliefs?


It is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling It is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially
power, especially a personal God or gods. one without proof.
Significance of animals in Hinduism
In Hinduism, many animals are venerated, including:
Some Hindu temples are built to worship animals.
They are:
● the tiger,
● The Karna Devi temple,
● the elephant, ● The Galtaji temple
● The Chennapatna Taluk temple,
● the mouse, and
● The Mannorasala temple, and
● the cow. ● The Dattareya temple.
Gods and Animals in Hinduism

Many gods (and goddesses) in the Hindu religion

are said to ride on an animal, such as:

● Lord Shiva on the Nandi bull,

● Lord Vishnu on the Garuda eagle,
● Lord Ganesha on the rat,
● Lord Murugan on the peacock, and
● Goddess Durga on the lion.
Animals in Hinduism in olden times

● Many animal seals were found in the Indus Valley excavations.

● The Vedas mention animals such as deer, foxes, antelopes, boars, gazelles, jackals,
lions, monkeys, rabbits, wolves, bears, beavers, and rats by name.
● They knew the importance of horses, elephants, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, and other
domesticated animals in both religious and economic activity.
Animals in Buddhism
and Jainism


● Animals have always been regarded in ● Jains believe that all animals contain
Buddhist thought as sentient beings. living souls.
● Animals are also thought to possess ● Like Buddhists, Jains also do not
Buddha nature and therefore potential worship animals.
for enlightenment. ● Jains are forbidden from hitting,
● Even though animals are not injuring, insulting, tormenting,
worshipped in Buddhism, they are persecuting, torturing, enslaving, or
respected and loved, and Buddhists killing any animals (or humans).
are forbidden from killing them.
Black cat beliefs


● Black cats were killed in large numbers in the ● Black cats were worshipped by Ancient
Medieval ages in Europe because of the belief Egyptians since they were considered to be
that they worked with witches or they symbols of good fortune and helpfulness.
themselves were a witch in disguise. They were also considered to be embodiments
of the gods.

Animals have been worshipped and tortured, loved and hated. Most religions (maybe all)
tell us that animals should be loved and respected. We should all be kind towards animals
in all their forms as they are the ones that make up the beauty of this Earth and as they,
too, feel love and hatred.


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