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Enselopati Hepatikum

Hipertensi Porta
• Portal hypertension is an increase blood
pressure in the portal venous system/hepatic
portal system  >12mmHg
• The increase in pressure is caused by a
blockage in the blood flow through the liver
• Portal venous system : portal vein & its
tributaries (splenic and mesenteric veins)
• Contains nutrients and deoxygenated blood
• Prehepatic : portal vein thrombosis.
• Intrahepatic : cirrhosis, Schistomiasis
• Posthepatic : right sided heart failure, budd
chiari syndrome
• Venous blood accumulates in portal system
 pressure rises >12mmHg  formation
portosystemic shunt (blood diverted away
from the portal venous system and backs up
into the systemic vein)
Hepatic Encelopathy

Merupakan gangguan pada sistem saraf pusat sebagai akibat

insufisiensi hepar

Ditandai dengan perubahan kepribadian, gangguan intelektual,

dan penurunan tingkat kesadaran (Poh dan Chang, 2012)
• Sirosis
Hepatosit rusak  less capable
metabolizing the waste product
• Less blood to the liver  causing diminished
liver function and decreased blood
detoxification  build up of toxic metabolites
(amonia)  pass through the blood brain
barrier  hepatic encephalopathy
• Blood backing up in the systemic veins 
portosystemic shunts (occurs at 3 points
where the systemic and portal system
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