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Akbar Jumaris

Information Technology

Is a general term for any technology that helps humans create,change,store,communicate a

nd convert information
IT Work

01 The database administration is

responsible for designing,maintaining,and 02 An IT staff software developer whose job
is to reserch,design,implement and test
improving the organization database.They software and systems.
are also tasked to make certain
arragements so that users of data are easy


03 His job is to configure computer haedware
and design the layout of computer
04 Is an intermediary between bussiness
people and IT teams. A systems analyst
equipment to improve efficiency will define user needs and develop
solutions to improve efficiency and
The purpose of
information technology
is to solve a
effectiveness and
efficiency in human
Function of Information Technology
1. Capture
capture here can be interpreted as
inputting. 4 Storing
Record or store data and information in a
2. Processing media that can be used for other purpose.
processing data entered received
to become information.Processing 5. Searching Back
and data processing can be in the Browse and retrive information or copy
form of converting,analyzing and data and information that has been
calculating. previolusly stored.

6. Transmitting
3. Generating
Sending data and information from one
Produce or organize information location to another throught a computer
into useful forms or reports that can network.
be understood by others.
The Benefits of Using IT
• Make it easer for us to communicate and get
information. Makes it easy to do anything
and find any information quikly and

• Open new bussiness opportunities. The

advantage of ICT in businiess opportunities
via the internet.

• The development of IT can also be felt in the

healt sector. This is indicated by software
that can detect diseases that exist in the
human body.

• Enrich culture. With the advancement of IT

we can show the richness of our culture
throught internet sites that can be seen by
people all over the word
Thank you

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