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An Islamic Presentation by Muhammad Siraj
Table of contents

History What is it?

01 The History of Prayer 02 What is Prayer and what are
the benifits

Sayings of the Holy

Importance of Prayer Prophet
03 What is the Imporatnce of 04 Sayings and Hadiths of the
prayer Holy Prophet
Table of contents

History What is it?

01 The History of Prayer 02 What is Prayer and what are
the benifits

Sayings of the Holy

Importance of Prayer Prophet
03 What is the Imporatnce of 04 Sayings and Hadiths of the
prayer Holy Prophet

The History of prayer
How did it Begin?

When The Holy Prophet Went
up to the heavens during the
Miraj the Holy Prophet was
asked by Allah to tell his
believers to pray 50 times a
day then after reducing and
insisting of the holy prophet
Allah finally reduced the
prayers to 5 times a day and it
is also said that 1 prayer
equals to 50
Table of contents

History What is it?

01 The History of Prayer 02 What is Prayer and what are
the benifits

Sayings of the Holy

Importance of Prayer Prophet
03 What is the Imporatnce of 04 Sayings and Hadiths of the
prayer Holy Prophet

What is it?
What is Prayer
And what are it’s Benifits
What is it?

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It Is

that of Praying five times a day which is
compulsory, it can be offered in
congregation or individually. Praying
Five times a day also Strengthens our
belief in Allah. By praying we remember
Allah and it brings us closer to Allah. It
assures that Allah is with us all the time.
This Belief and Faith in Allah will help
us, gives us relief from worries and
anxieties of life.

What is it?
Prayer is also a sign of expressing our faith
in Allah and obedience towards him. By
offering Prayers we ask Allah’s Help to
Keep us on the right path and keeps us
away from evil and disobedience. And to
bless us with his mercy and Blessings.
Prayer also reminds us that we are slaves
and servants of Allah. This makes us fear
him and we feel ashamed from disobeying
What is it?

Prayer helps us build our strong and good

character and to develop a stable personality
which would lead to a good life. It makes us
responsible and sincere people and we are able
to conduct our lives properly.
Table of contents

History What is it?

01 The History of Prayer 02 What is Prayer and what are
the benifits

Sayings of the Holy

Importance of Prayer Prophet
03 What is the Imporatnce of 04 Sayings and Hadiths of the
prayer Holy Prophet

Importance of
What is the importance of Prayer?
InfoTell Importance of Prayer

Prayer was made obligatory for all previous

nations we can understand the importance
from the fact that the first question Allah will
ask on the day of jugdement is that of how
many prayers have you prayed. In a verse of
the Holy quran Allah says that angles will
ask a group of people why they have been
thrown there they will answer that they
didn’t pray
Table of contents

History What is it?

01 The History of Prayer 02 What is Prayer and what are
the benifits

Sayings of the Holy

Importance of Prayer Prophet
03 What is the Imporatnce of 04 Sayings and Hadiths of the
prayer Holy Prophet

Sayings of the
Holy Prophet
Sayings and Hadiths of the Holy
prophet about Prayers
Sayings of the Holy Prophet
The first duty enjoined upon the Holy Prophetpbuh was to offer
It is a duty of every muslim to offer prayers. A Child should start
praying when he is seven years old. After the age of twelve, prayer
is compulsory. Prayer must be offered wherever we are, even if we
are sick or on a journey. If we are sick and confiened to bed we
still have to pray. In that case prayer must be offered lying down in
bed. No muslim is allowed to give up prayers, if we do we would
not be proper muslims. Allah will reward us for our prayers in the
The Saying of the Holy Prophetpbuh

“Prayer has
been made the
coolness for my
eyes” “The difference
“The five Daily between the
Prayers remove unbelievers and
sins just as water us is that of
removes dirt” salat”
“The key to
Paradise is

Thank you!
If there are any questions please ask

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