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Rijal Fahmi Khoirulloh 1303177005
R. Intandinnari Mayuritasya 1303177010
Chapter 1
At the end of 2019, the world was shocked by an epidemic caused by the corona virus and
known as covid-19 (Corona Virus Diseases-19).
The Indonesian government dismissed schools and moved the learning process from home
using online learning media.
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture is ready with all scenarios including the
application of working together to encourage online learning for students.
Many students and parents find it difficult to implement programs from the government.
Especially for kids with kindergarten and elementary school education.
Research Question:

1. How kids understanding about the lesson, when they do online learning?
2. How is kids psychology for online learning system?
3. What kind of media that parent use to learn beside online learning to increase education for
their kids?
4. What is the role of teacher in online learning?
5. What is the role of parents in online learning?
Research Tool:
1. Questionnaire survey data for parent.
2. Several papers and articles about parenting.
3. Several papers and articles about education.
Chapter 2
Kid’s Understanding when Attending
Online Learning
From the questionnaire data obtained by authors of kids aged 4-12 years information was
obtained that 66.67% of children could understand the material provided.
Age greatly influences the success of this home study program
Different treatments are needed for class or age level.
Atmosphere at home is different from school
Anything can interfere with the concentration of kid’s learning
Kids lack the focus of learning, so they cannot understand the material well.
There are several factors that can be applied to optimize the learning process so students can
better understand the material provided.
Kid's Psychology
From the questionnaire data obtained, it showed that 83.33% of children were not comfortable
with the online learning system.
Continuous quarantine conditions will interfere with the achievement of students' maturity in
achieving their learning goals, both academically and psychologically.
Social problems caused by co-19 are felt by the community, especially students and students
related to learning at home, students complain that learning at home is filled with homework
given by each teacher too much.
To reduce the impact, strategic steps are needed. This needs to be done by the government
quickly and precisely.
It is important for parents to involve their children in discussions related to coronavirus
Media that Can Use During Online Learning
to Increase Education For Kids
Many learning methods are applied in this pandemic situation.
From the questionnaire data obtained, the media used were very diverse.
Teachers must be proactive and creative in conducting teaching and learning activities as
effectively as face to face.
The government has also provided various platforms to support this program.
The online learning process actually has good potential so that it can run effectively. But it all
requires good cooperation from the government as a provider of infrastructure, teachers or
schools, and students' families.
The Role of Parents During Online
Learning for Kids
Online learning is no different than other types of schooling, parents are mostly important for
student academic success.
First, the role of a parent and teacher are different. While a teacher or instructor serves as a
guiding force in subject matter, a parent knows when to lean in and lean out of their student’s
Second, Parents are role models for their kids. Educating in an open environment like the
home, children can watch behaviors in their parents.
Third, Parents have a direct impact on the education their students receive, especially in an
online learning setting.
The Role of Teacher During Online
Learning for Kids
The role of the teacher is very important in educating students
Educators must quickly adapt to any conditions
Online teachers need to change their mode of teaching accordingly to provide personalized
Online learners or student need to remain motivated throughout their online course
Online teachers need to be good learners themselves
Teacher-to-student and student-to-student communication play a vital role in an online learning
Online students are taught that communication is the key to student success.
Online teachers usually bring forth fun interactive presentations for class projects.
Chapter 3
More than 50% of children can understand the material during online learning.
More than 80% of children are uncomfortable with online learning systems.
The online learning process actually has good potential so that it can run effectively.
The role of the teacher in guiding their students is very important, not only giving assignments,
but also make them understanding the material can increase their knowledge.
The role of a parents and teacher are different. While a teacher or instructor serves as a
guiding force in subject matter, then the parents give them support to the learning structure,
and reinforce the goals that can be accomplished in and out of school with education.
This research is our first experience writing about education. Especially discussing

education in the pandemic era co-19 which was done online from home. This is very challenging

for us because this is our first time writing i-search. We can learn new methods and can learn

about solving educational problems in conditions of a global pandemic. We came to know that

education is the main thing for a country that needs to be maintained in any condition. Because

this is related to the future of a country.

Academy, Alpha Omega.2012. Online Learning and the Parent’s Role. Quoted Mei 10, 2020:
Chrisjames1.2019. Role of the Teachers in Online Classroom. Quoted Mei 10, 2020:
DetikManado, Redaktur.2020. Dampak Pandemi Corona Terhadap Dunia Pendidikan. Quoted
Mei 12, 2020:
Thank You

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