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What Is Covid-19?

Enhancing your immune system
• Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an illness through food.
caused by a virus that can spread from Vitamin C has antibodies which help
person to person. fight against bacteria and infections.
• The virus that causes COVID-19 is a Vitamin D is used to fight off infections as well as
new coronavirus that has spread works to maintain strong bones. ...
Vitamin A helps to regulate the immune system
throughout the world.
and protects against infections
• COVID-19 symptoms can range from by keeping your tissues and skin healthy.
mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness.

Know how COVID-19 is spread

• You can become infected by coming into There are many ZINC-DEPENDENT enzymes in
CLOSE CONTACT (about 6 feet or two arm our body and deficiency has been linked with
lengths) with a person who has COVID-19. immune dysfunction. ZINC FOODS include
COVID-19 is primarily spread from PERSON TO beans, seeds, nuts, meat, poultry and seafood.
• You can become infected from respiratory
SPECIFIC AMINO ACIDS found in protein are
DROPLETS when an infected person coughs,
essential for T-cell function, which are cells that
sneezes, or talks.
• You may also be able to get it by TOUCHING a
protect the body against pathogens. Meats,
surface or object that has the virus on it, and then poultry, seafood, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds all
by touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. have lots of protein.

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