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Islamic Education

Group 1 :
1. Alvin Irwanto
2. Faiz Athalah Wisdi
3. Riksa Suviana Rochman
4. Nabilah Mumtaz
5. Riska Putri Chubara

َ ‫َد َر‬
Learning here mean study in a place, like a
school, college, masjid etc.
Learning means the process of training
someone to upgrade the behavior. The results
is not come directly / directly obtained, but
can be shown through performance or
Learning is not just a matter of memorizing, art,
and science problems, but also lessons that help
students determine their potential in their sense and
morals, and arrange it until they are decorate with
good morals and prepare them in the future.
There are 6 element of
education, that is :
1. Purpose
2. Teacher
3. Student
4. Subjek material
5. Facilities and infrastructure
6. Social environment

َّ‫َعل َم‬
The basic concept of teaching is to design
from the low part to reach or give instructions
to others to be understood and comprehend.
The teacher plays an important role in
learning activities.
There are 3 main role that the
teacher must do it, teachers as :
1. Planners
2. Informants
3. Evaluators.
Now, not only teachers can teach, but also
friends or other people who have more
knowledge. The example is a people in the
videos about tutorial and learning on the
YouTube site.

َّ ‫َر‬
Parenting or educating can be done at home
or at school. If at home we are cared by
parents, in our school also have been
entrusted by parents to be educated in school
by the teacher.
There are 6 principle to parenting,
that is :
1. Become a role model
2. Looking for the right time to give a direction
3. Be fair to all children
4. Giving Children's Rights
5. Helping children to be filial and obey

َ‫َو ِحظ‬
Follow Instruction
The instruction referred to here is to follow
the Al-Qur’an and Hadits for education. Not
only education but also everything.
In the Qur'an and hadits it has been explained
about how to learn and teach correctly. both
through the story in the Qur'an, as well as an
explanation delivered by the prophet
Muhammad SAW.
For example, how to educate children, we can
see in surah Luqman and also in the hadits

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