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Noli Me Tangere

• John 20:13-17
• An Eagle Flight (1990) and The Social Cancer (1912)
• Noli Me Tangere was a name used by local Filipino for cancer of the eyelids;
that as an ophthalmologist himself Rizal was influenced by this fact is
suggested Rizal in the novel’s dedication, “To My Father Land”.
• Jose Rizal, a Filipino nationalist and medical
doctor, conceived the idea of writing a novel that
would expose the ills of Philippine society after
reading Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s
Publication History
• Rizal finished the novel in February 1887. at first, according to one
Rizal’s biographers, Rizal feared the novel might not be printed, and that
it would remain unread. He was struggling with financial constraints at the
time thought it would be hard to pursue printing the novel.
Major Characters
• Crisostomo Ibarra
• Maria Clara
• Kapitan Tiago
• Padre Damaso
• Elias
• Pilosopong Tasyo
• Dona Victorina
• Sisa, Cripin and Basilio
• Salome
• Padre Hernando de la Sibyla
• Padre Salvi
• El Alferez
• Dona Consolnacion
• Rizal prefaces Noli Me Tangere with a short dedication to the Philippines.
He writes that there are certain kinds of cancer that are incredibly
vulnerable and sensitive to touch, growths aggravated by even the
slightest contact. Rizal says he often thinks of his country in this terms,
stating that he believes the Philippine suffer a ‘’social cancer.’’ and he
wants ‘’good health’’ for his nation, he resolves to ‘’reproduce [its]
current condition faithfully, without prejudice’’ so that he might ‘’ lift the
veil hiding [its] ills, and sacrifice everything to the truth.’’

Thank you !

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