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Animal Is
What Animal Is It?
I have whiskers and fur.

I’m a predator.

I’m the largest wild big cat.

I’m famous for my stripes.
What Animal Is It?
I have no ears but I can hear.

I move quietly.

I’m covered in scales.

My body is long and thin.
What Animal Is It?
I look cute but I’m a fighter!

My back legs and tail are very strong.

My home is a very large island.

I don’t run, I hop.
What Animal Is It?
I move very quickly.

My jaws make me look scary.

I’m no ordinary fish.

I can sense blood in water from
miles away.
What Animal Is It?
I come in many sizes and colours.

I live in rivers, lakes, seas, and


I have fins, not flippers.

I am always swimming!
What Animal Is It?
I’m native to Africa.

I only eat leaves.

I live on land.
I have the longest neck on earth!
What Animal Is It?
I can fly but I’m not a bird.

I’m a mammal.

I see with sound.

I hang upside down.
What Animal Is It?
I live in trees.

I only eat eucalyptus leaves.

I spend a lot of time sleeping.

I’m Australian.
What Animal Is It?
I have a large fluffy tail.

I hibernate in winter.

I’m great at climbing trees.

I live on a diet of nuts.
What Animal Is It?
I’m a mammal, just like you!

I live in a group.

I use my tail to swing through trees.

I eat fruit, especially bananas.
What Animal Is It?
I have whiskers and a long snout.

I live in the countryside and in cities.

I have orange/red fur.

I have a bushy tail.
What Animal Is It?
I’m a reptile.

I’m born on land but spend most of

my life in the water.

I have flippers not fins!

I have a shell.

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