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Unit 3: Tooth Anatomy

Enamel is the hard, white, exterior part

of the tooth. It is made from calcium
phosphate and protects the tooth
during chewing.

Cementum is a layer of connective tissue that joins the roots of

The teeth to the gums and jawbone.
Dentin is the layer of the tooth underneath
the enamel. It consists of living cells.

Periodontal ligament is tissue that helps

keep the teeth tightly attached to the bone
It connects the cementum to the jawbone.
blood vessel is a tube that moves blood
around the body.

Nerves is a body part that looks like a thread

and carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body.
bone is one of the hard parts that make a
frame inside the body.

Root canal is a set of narrow spaces

the root of a tooth that can become
infected infected.
Crown is the section of the tooth that sits
above the gumline and that is visible.
Neck is the separation between the crown
and root of a tooth. It is at the gumline,
where the tooth is narrower.
Gum are tissue that covers and connects the
tooth to the jaw bones.
1. What parts of a tooth can you easily see?

2. What parts of a tooth are not visible?

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