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Teacher: Đào Thị Anh Thư

Group 1:
1.Đặng Hữu Đạt
2.Lê Thanh Xuân

3.Lê Vân Minh An

4.Tăng Xuân Phương Quỳnh

Handshake is a cultural beauty
communication, shows affection for
each other, is an initial greeting to
get used to the next talk. So we
must shake hands properly so as
not to lose the thought of this
friendly gesture.
You never get a second chance at a first
impression in business. A strong handshake
sets the tone and the perception of your
abilities. Impart a strong first impression on
customers, business prospects, hiring
managers or new employees by offering your
hand and looking them in the eye when
offering a greeting or introducing yourself.
This type of introduction bolsters your image
and sets a solid foundation for a new job or
business relationship.
 A firm, strong handshake transmits your
underlying confidence in yourself and your
abilities. When individuals feel your confidence, it
helps instill trust in your words and work
abilities. Working from a foundation of trust is
important to advance sales opportunities, gain
employment, attract competent employees and
obtain business partners.

You can take the upper hand at negotiations by
confirming your strength through your
handshake. A strong grip and a penetrating eye
gaze set the tone for hard-line negotiations.
You also signal your willingness to compromise
or reach a mutually beneficial agreement
through a strong yet warm handshake. Setting
the negotiating tone with your first interactions
help you obtain the best deal for yourself, your
client or your business with your first
 CHINA - While the western handshake is accepted, it
is performed with a lighter grip and a pumping
motion. Chinese also lower their eyes slightly as a
sign of respect when meeting someone. Staring into
their eyes can be perceived as a sign of disrespect
 LATIN AMERICA - Latin Americans use a light,
lingering handshake (about twice as long as an
American handshake) and pulling away too soon is
interpreted as rejection. A man may offer his hand to
a woman, and he may “kiss” the top of a woman’s

Group 1

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