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Here is where my presentation begins
01 Me
Hi !
Justo Joel Fernandez Lachira

Occupation: Mining Engineering Student

Age: 22 Interests:

Gender: Male Social media:

Birth Place and Hometown

Lima SJL
I was born, and grew
up here.
Favorite Food

Ají de Gallina

Ají de Gallina is a typical food

of Peruvian cuisine, specifically
from the coast
Favorite Hobby

Saturn is composed mostly
of hydrogen and helium
Jennifer Aniston
Birth: February 11th,1969
(Sherman Oaks, Los Ángeles,
California, United States).
Height : 1,64 m
Age: 51 years old
Category: Comedy
How I use English

02 My Cousin
Teresa del Pilar Zapata Lachira

Occupation: Business Administrator

Nickname: Techi
Age: 29

Gender: Female Social media:

Birth Place and Hometown

Lima SJL
She was born, and
grew up here.
Tallarines verdes

Green noodles (with pesto sauce) that is

usually served with a breaded steak or a
fried egg. Occasionally it is served with
potatoes a la huancaína. In Peru spinach is
added and the pine nuts are replaced by
Top social networking sites
Closest planet to
the Sun

Venus has a
beautiful name

It’s a gas giant and
has rings
Our areas of expertise

Jupiter Mercury Venus Mars

Gas giant Closest planet Beautiful name Cold place

Thanks !

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