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What is it ?
What is food ?
Food is what people and animals eat
to live. Food usually comes from
animals and plants. It is eaten by
living things to provide energy and
nutrition. Food contains the nutrition
that people and animals need to be
Basic components of food
There are seven essential factors for a balanced diet:

✔ Carbohydrate
✔ Protein
✔ Fat
✔ Fiber
✔ Vitamins
✔ Minerals
✔ Water
Mainly sugars and starches, together
constituting one of the three
principal types of nutrients used as
energy sources (calories) by the
body. Carbohydrates can also be
defined chemically as neutral
compounds of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen.
A protein is a naturally occurring, extremely
complex substance that consists of amino
acid residues joined by peptide bonds.
Proteins are present in all living
organisms and include many essential
biological compounds such as enzymes,
hormones, and antibodies.
Fat from your diet gives you energy. As
a bonus, fat in food helps you feel
full, so you don't eat too much.
Some foods, including most fruits
and vegetables, have almost no fat.
Other foods have plenty of fat. They
include nuts, oils, butter, and meats
like beef.
Dietary fibres

Dietary fiber, also known as roughage, is the

indigestible part of plant foods. Fiber has
a host of health benefits, including
reducing the risk of heart disease and type
2 diabetes. Fiber is mostly in vegetables,
fruits, whole grains, and legumes.
Vitamins are substances that our bodies need
to develop and function normally. They
include vitamins A, C, D, E, and K,
choline, and the B vitamins (thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid,
biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and
folate/folic acid).
Dietary Minerals
Dietary minerals are essential
chemicals that are needed by the
human body for maintaining
skeleton structure, cellular
functioning and biochemical

Water mostly consists of minerals and

other inorganic compounds, such as
calcium, fluorine ,chlorine ,potassium
,sodium etc
Basic functions of food

Absorption Energy
Absorption is the process by
Tissue formation
Along with proteins and fats,
which digested food passes carbohydrates are one of
through the blood vessels in The Torne tissues are three main nutrients found in
the wall of intestine. The regenerated and the new foods and drinks. Your body
inner wall of small intestine tissues are developed like breaks down carbohydrates
has finger like projections :muscle, bone, organs and into glucose. Glucose, or
called villi which increases blood blood sugar, is the main
the surface area for source of energy for your
absorption of food. body's cells, tissues, and
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