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 Foods has been classified into different groups
depending upon the nutritive value, for the
convenience of planning diets. Food groups like ‘Basic
four’, ‘Basic five’, or ‘Basic seven’ can be used for
planning diets as per the convenience.
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Balanced Diet is one which contains different types of foods in such
quantities and proportions so that the need for calories , proteins, minerals ,
vitamins and other nutrients is adequately met and a small provision is made for
extra nutrients to withstand short duration of leanness.
 In addition, a balanced diet should provide bioactive phytochemicals such as
dietary fiber, antioxidants and other nutraceuticals which have positive health
benefits. Low glycemic index foods are preferred .
 A balanced diet should provide around 50-65% of total calories from
carbohydrates,15-20% from protein and 20-25% total calorie from fats.
 Meets nutritional requirement
 Provides phytochemicals
 Prevents degenerative diseases
 Improves longevity
 Prolongs productive life
 Improves immunity
 Increases endurance level
 Develops optimum congnitive ability
 Helps in coping up stress
Thus balanced diet enhances quality of life
 Meeting nutritional requirements
 Meal pattern must fulfill family needs
 Meal planning should save time and energy
 Meal planning should consider economic constraints
 Meal plan should give maximum nutrients
 Meal planning considers individual likes and
 Meal planned should provide variety
 Meal should give satiety
 Menus should include locally available foods
 Meal should include healthy foods.

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