Unit 3 Word Processing, Formatting

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Unit 3: Word processing: Formatting

Bold: if text is bold, then it is thick

that the text stands out to the reader.

Italic: if the text is italic, it is slanted to the right.

font is a style or shape of text.

Column is a vertical line of cells.

Margin is the space at the top, bottom
left, right, and right edges of a page.

spell check is a tool that allows writers

to make sure that there are no spelling
or grammatical errors in a document.
format of a document is the way it
is set up.

Spacing is the amount of space

between lines of text on a page.
Bullet: is a dot or shape at the left
of a line of text. It is typically used
in list writing or summaries.

center of the page is the middle of

the page, with equal spacing on the
right and left from the marging of
the pag page.
1. What are some ways to draw attention to parts of

2. What changes can word processing users make to the

Format of a page?

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