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Computers & the Internet

attachment: An attachment is a file added

to an email and an email and sent along with it.

Download is to receive and transfer

from a remote system to a local one and
save it on a drive or disk.
Delete: To delete a field of text is to remove
it from a document altogether.

e-book: A book composed in or converted to

digital format for display on a computer
or handheld device.
e-mail address is the specific
location where electronic mail
is received.

inbox is the location where emails

are received.
File a collection of related data records
(as for a computer)

Link: A link is text or an image on a web

page that connects the user to another page
when clicked.
a sequence of characters required
for access to a computer system.

sign in: enter a username and password

in order to gain access to a computer
system, database, or website
Do you know who is he?
Answer these questions according to the reading.
1. Why didn’t Steve Jobs study in grade five in school?

2. When did he make an Apple computer company?

3. When was he born?

4. Do you think was he a special person? Why or why not?

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