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 1800 BCE – Hebrews:

nomadic tribes from

Canaan (later called
Palestine and present day
 Hebrews considered
themselves the chosen
people: direct descendants
of Abraham and Isaac.
 Hebrew belief was
 1500 B.C.E. – Hebrews
moved to Egypt because of a
drought– used by Egyptians
as a work force.
 1250 – Moses led Hebrews
back to Canaan (across Sinai)
 1025 – Formed Kingdoms of
Judea and Israel. Kings David
and Solomon build the first
temple in 1000 BCE
 586 B.C.E - Conquered by Babylonians –1st temple
destroyed – first Diaspora (scattering of people)
 539 BCE - Babylon falls to Persian Rule (Cyrus)
 300 BCE Persians allowed Hebrews back - built a second
temple (165 BCE.)

Projected model of the 2nd Temple Wailing Wall – the remaining remnants
of the 2nd Temple.
 70 CE Romans destroyed
Jerusalem and the second
temple - second Jewish
Diaspora (scattering Jews
to other parts of the
 Romans renamed the area
Syria Palaestina (after the
Hebrew enemy Philistines)
 313 CE Christianity
centers in Jerusalem (due
to Roman Emperor
 639 CE – Muslim Arab
armies capture Jerusalem –
build the Dome of the
Rock The Dome of the Rock
 1096 CE Pope sends men
to recapture the Holy Land
(Crusades). Christians did
not defeat the Arabs.
 1516 – 1917 Ottoman
Turks (Muslims) take
over Palestine.
 Israelis = Jewish people (Jews)

 Palestinians = Arab people (Muslims)

 The reason neither want to give up their

land rights to Israel because they both
consider Israel to be a holy land since they
both have religious sites in Israel
 Late 1800’s: Zionism – a
movement among
European Jews to set up a
Jewish homeland in

 Persecution of Jews (Anti-

Semitism) became rampant
in Europe due to: Jews kept
to themselves in
communities, churches,
 WWI: The Ottoman
Empire sided with
Germany and Austria
 Britain’s promises:

1.Arabs land in Palestine

if they help fight the
2. Jews a national
homeland in Palestine
for Jewish support
during the War.
(Balfour Declaration)
• WWII 1930-40’s: Nazis rise to power – many Jews fled
to Palestine – Jewish numbers restricted to Palestine.
(immigrants or refugees?)

• Result of WWII – Palestine turned over to the United

Nations in 1947.
 1947 United Nations
Partition Plan: The U.N.
splits Palestine into a
Jewish state and an Arab
 Territory known as the
West Bank and Gaza were
given to the Jewish people
 Arabs object to giving any
territory to Jews.

 (Fill in first blank map)

• Arabs – Black
• Jews - Yellow
1948 Israeli War for
 Jews announce the creation of
 Arab nations declare war at once,
and military forces are sent.
 1949 - Israel defeats Arab forces
with the help from the U.S.
Armistice is called by UN. UN
annexes almost half the area set
aside for Arabs under the UN
partition plan + half of Jerusalem.
Jordan gets West Bank, Egypt gets
Gaza Strip, and Syria gets Golan
 Arab refugees flee to those three
 1956: Egypt nationalizes
Suez Canal (completed by
French in 1869, then controlled
by Britain because of access to
Indian colony)
 Egypt blocks Israel’s use of
the Suez Canal
 Israel, Britain and France
attack Egypt. Conflict
ends in a UN cease fire.
 1964: Creation of the PLO ( Palestinian Liberation
Organization). The primary goal – a state for Palestinian Arabs.
 This was the first real government to represent the
Palestinians and work to get them their own state
• Leader was Yasser Arafat.
 1967; The Six-Day War –
Israel initiates a strike on
Egyptian air force on the
ground – destroys them
 Israel captures East
Jerusalem and the West Bank
from Jordan, the Golan
Heights from Syria, the Gaza
Strip and Sinai Peninsula
from Egypt. All three become
known as the Occupied
 (Fill out the second map.)
 1973: The Yom Kippur War: Nothing won or lost. Egypt and Syria
try to get back lands taken in Six-Day War – ends in a UN cease fire.
 1979: The Camp David Accords: peace treaty between Egypt’s
President Anwar El Sadat and Israel’s Prime Minister
Menachem Begin. Arranged by President Jimmy Carter – all
three received Nobel Peace Prizes. Sadat was assassinated in

Sadat, Carter, and Begin

 Land given back to Egypt
after the Camp David
Accords: The Sinai
 Israel still kept a strong
presence in the three
Occupied Territories.
 (Fill out the Third Map)
 1987: Intifada or “the
shaking”. Tired of Israeli
rule, Arabs in the
Occupied Territories
began a mass uprising.
Due to U.S. support,
Israeli fighters had better
weapons - Palestinian
rights were violated.
 1993: The Oslo Accords - PLO and Israel sign peace agreement:
Israel recognized PLO as reps of Palestinian people. PLO
recognized the Israel’s existence. Palestinians gained control of
Gaza Strip and Jericho (in West Bank). Both Yitzhak Rabin (Israel)
and Yasser Arafat (PLO) received Nobel Peace Prizes. Rabin is
assassinated soon after.
(Final Map)
•Territory gained in 1993 –
today. Parts of West Bank and
Gaza have pockets of
Palestinian residents, but Israel
still controls the territory.
•1994 – 2004 saw many ups and
downs between Palestinians
and Israelis:
History of U.S. Government Aid to Israel
•U.S. government assistance to Israel began in 1949 with a $100
million Export-Import Bank Loan

• From 1949 -1965, U.S. aid to Israel averaged about $63

million a yr, over 95% was economic development
assistance and food aid.
• Until 2003, Israel received approx. one-third of the annual US
foreign aid budget. In 2005, the US gave Israel more than $2.6
billion in aid, a budget exceeded only by US aid to Iraq.

•Since World War II, Israel has been the largest overall
recipient of US aid:1949-2006 Israel received more than $156
billion of direct US aid.
 September 11, 2001 – it has been noted that one of
the main causes of the World Trade Center and
Pentagon Terrorist attacks on 9/11/01: United States’
continual support of Israel.
 The Palestenian and Arab community have blamed
America for assisting the Jewish people and taking
Arab land (to include redrawing boundaries after
 2004 - Security barrier was built in the West Bank, Arafat dies, and
Mahmoud Abbas, a known member of HAMAS, was elected
President of Palestinian National Authority.

 HAMAS: Islamic Resistance Movement

• Violent Palestinian terrorist organization that was voted into
government power by the Palestinian people
• Wants to end the Jewish rule in Israel and make it a
Palestinian/Arab state
• Israel's Separation Barrier, dubbed the "Apartheid Wall" or "Berlin Wall" by
Palestinians, has attracted international attention, largely due to the scale of
the project.

•The historical parallel to the barrier is the Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles
long. Israel's barrier is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length. The
average height of the Berlin Wall was 11.8 ft, compared with the max current
height of Israel's Wall - 25 ft.

•Israel's barrier is therefore planned to be four times as long and in places

twice as high as the Berlin Wall.
 8/15/05 – Israeli’s
evacuated the Gaza
Strip and 4 West Bank

 Gaza is an area similar

to Mtn. View to the
Freeway, then to the
Boise River.

 There are 1.2 million

Palestinians living there.
 Mohamed Abbas
 In December 2009, threatened to abandon
the Israeli negotiations if
government ordered settlement construction
was renewed. He said
a 10-month lull in "Israel has a
permits for new moratorium for 10
settlement homes in months and it should
be extended for three
the West Bank. to four months more to
give peace a chance.”

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