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Subordinating Conjunctions

a. Use subordinating conjunction correctly in varied context
b. Formulate predictions about the content of the text
c. Acquaint the different kinds of conjunction through a song.
What is a conjunction?
• Words that connect other words or groups of words
in a sentence .are called conjunctions.
• Conjunctions can connect two subjects, two
predicates, or two sentences.
• Conjunctions can also connect other words in a
Conjunctions can also connect other words in a sentence.

• A subordinating conjunction makes a clause within a sentence

dependent on a complete sentence in order to make sense
• A subordinating conjunction is followed by a subject and predicate
Common Subordinating Conjunctions
Consider the following complete sentence:
• Kate dropped the pizza on the floor.
Now look what happens when we add a subordinating conjunction:
Because Kate dropped the pizza on the floor

What happened to the complete sentence?

Now it is dependent on another clause or complete sentence in order

to make sense.
Add a complete sentence:

Because Kate dropped the pizza on the floor

she had to clean it up.
Try another one!

• Whenever the teacher assigns homework

• What is the subordinating conjunction?
• What is the subject that follows it?
• What is the predicate?
• Add a complete sentence…
A complete sentence…
Whenever the teacher assigns homework,
• the students start to cry.
• the students run for the hills.
• the students jump for joy!
Subordinating conjunctions are really such a bore.
There’s after, although, as, because, and before.
If, provided, since, unless, until and then
There’s whenever, wherever, while, where, and when.
In case that was too easy let’s add another rhyme,
As long as, as soon as, once, and by the time.
Now that you know rhyme, comma rules are done.
If you start with a sub, use a comma; if not, then there’s none.
Identify the subordinating conjunction in each of the following sentences
• 1. When I met Susan her eyes were red because she had been crying. 2. We searched
the woods around the lake where Adam would often walk when he was feeling blue.
• 3. He will always be considered as the town’s bravest man provided the truth never
comes out.
• 4. Although I’ve been here before he’s just too hard to ignore.
• 5. Because it was raining I took my umbrella.
• 6. Since I have no money I can’t go to the movie.
• 7. I lost my job because I was often late.
• 8. John is short whereas Mary is tall.
• 9. Paula was given the position even though she had no experience.
• 10. Unless you practice your basketball skills will never improve.

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