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Today we will talk about interger !

What is interger ?

An integer is defined as a number that does not

include the fractional parts. Integers are the
whole numbers including negative numbers.

• Other numbers are no longer known as positive integers (sometimes

+1, +2, + 3, ... but the "+" sign is often ignored).

• Rally: {...; -3; -2; -Firstly; Firstly; 2; 3; ...} consists of negative integers,
zeros and positive integers which are a collection of integers. The set of
integers is denoted Z.
Compare integers

When represented on (horizontal) numbers, point a is to the left of point b, integer a is less
than integer b.

Note: Let integer b be one of the integers after a if a <b and there is no integer between a and
b (greater than a and less than b). Then we also say a is the preceding number of b.


• All positive integers are greater than 0.

• All negative integers are less than 0.

• All negative integers are less than any positive integers

Plus the non-integer sign

• Opposite integers with the sum of 0.

• If we want to community two numbers with no opposite sign, we find

the difference between absolute two values ​(large number minus small)
and put it before the result to find the sign of the number that has the
absolute value.
Combined nature

(a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

Note: The above result is also called the sum of three numbers a, b, c and write
a + b + c. Similarly, we can say the sum of four, five,… whole numbers. When
adding more numbers, you can optionally change the order of terms, arbitrarily
grouping the signed terms

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