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Personal pronouns

Warm up

 Make a list of things that you can find in:

1. City
2. University
3. English
Personal Pronouns

 Personal pronouns are short words used to represent people or things. They are primarily used to avoid

 In English, pronouns only take the gender of the noun they replace in the 3rd person singular form. The 2nd
person plural pronouns are identical to the 2nd person singular pronouns except for the reflexive pronoun.
What are personal pronouns? 

 1st person singular I

 2nd person singular you
 3rd person singular, male he
 3rd person singular, female she
 3rd person singular, neutral it
 1st person plural we
 2nd person plural you
 3rd person plural they
Which personal pronoun do I have to use?

Whether we know it or not, we all select a personal pronoun having first determined its:
Which personal pronoun do I have to use?

 1. Number  2. Person
Is the personal pronoun representing Is the personal pronoun representing something:
something singular or plural?
 In the first person?
 In the second person?
 In the third person?

 3. Gender
Is the personal pronoun representing something masculine, feminine, or neuter?
Subject pronouns replace nouns that are the subject of their clause. In the 3rd person, subject pronouns are often
used to avoid repetition of the subject's name.
 I am 16.
 You seem lost.
 Jim is angry, and he wants Sally to apologize.
 This table is old. It needs to be repainted.
 We aren't coming.
 My family love bacon but they don't like pancakes.
Let’s practice

 Peter is in at the school and ______ plays football.

 Camila likes candies. ____ also likes hot chocolate
 You and I are in the same class. ____ can work together
 The tree is very big. ____ is in font of my house.
 Federico and Natalia are my friends. _____ are my bestfriends
 My shoes are new and _____ are red.

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