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Basic – Stative Verbs

Doc. Fiorella Zuñiga Rojas

Excuse me teacher. Could you repeat that, please ?
Disculpe profesor. ¿Podría repetir esa parte?

How do you say _________ in Spanish/English ?

Como se dice ________ en español/inglés.


-Actions -NOTActions
work - X Continuous
eat - I know
- I knew
-All Tenses - I have known
Simple - I had known
Stative Verbs
-Not Action
-Can not use “to be” with
satitve verbs.

-Feelings/Emotions – love , hate , like.

-Senses - hear , see , feel , smeel , sound

-Thinking – forget , remember, be , know

,understand, imagine.

-Belongings – own , have , belong.

Stative Verbs
Stative Verbs
Stative Verbs
Basic – Modals of Present Possibility
Doc. Fiorella Zuñiga Rojas
Modals of Present Possibility
Modals of Present Possibility
Modals of Present Possibility
Basic – Quantity Expressions
Doc. Fiorella Zuñiga Rojas
Quantity Expressions
Quantity Expressions
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