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Definition of linguistic and



Linguistic as the experts

according to bloomfleld (1933: 20- 34) the definition of unguistics

1s çcience as weln as physics and chemistry are part of science

according to martinet (1987 : 19) linguistic is a science that takes

language as its object of study.

Hjlemslev >linguistic is an example of metasemioticç c the study of

language which 1s also a language it self

benueniste> linguistic is the difference between semiotic and

semantic dimensions in language

Newmark> is the basic idea in the text concerned .it could be said
that this meaning is not very different from a series of lexical
Reserch as the experts
• 1) kerlinger (1973) - research is a systematic controlled empirical and of hy pothetical
propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena

• 2) payton (1979)reseach is the process of looking for a specific question in an

organized, obgective reuable way.

• 3.kothari (2006) research is a pursult of trust with the help of study, observation,
comparison and experiment i the rearch for kniowledge through objectwe and
systematic method of finding solutions to a problem.

• 4.waltz and bansell (1981)research is formal systematic formal rigorouz and precies
prosess emploted to gain solutions to problems or to discover and interpret hew facts
and recationships.

• 5.longman dictionary of contemporary engush (1997)reseach as a sertous study of a

subject that is intended to discover hew facts or test ideas critical in vestigation

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