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Interesting facts
My conclusion
Leeds is a city in West Yorkshire,
England. The area of Leeds are 112
square kilometers. The city is
located in the valley of the river Evi,
48 km northeast of Manchester. In
2014 the city of Leeds has an
estimated population of 780 000
which make it the second largest
city and the second largest
metropolitan district in the UK.
In 1207 city received the status of a
market town. With the start of
Industrial Revolution in England, the
city was actively developing. Leeds
turned out to be the center of traffic
in the north of England. In the
nineteenth century, about half of
British exports went through Leeds.
Later Leeds became second largest
financial and legal center after
Interesting fact
Interesting to know, that
we should be grateful this
city for the Internet. In
1998, a local provider first
introduced an Internet
If we will talk about sights, I should tell
you that lovers of ruins will love
Kirkstal Abbey. Looking at this place
you can imagine how the monarchs of
that time lived. Science lovers will
definitely appreciate the Museum of
Medicine. There you can see what
diseases and how local doctor coped
with them many years ago. A visit to
the local Tropical World greenhouse is
a must have tourist destination. This is
because it is the largest greenhouse in
the country.
My conclusion
So, if you decide to visit
Leeds, you will definitely get
a sea of feelings and know a
lot of new things. I can
confidently say, that you will
not regret about this trip.

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